Kefir chocolate brownies

Just one more way kefir keeps giving… Everyone is sick of hearing me talk about this stuff i know, but with recipes like this – sorry guys its my duty to spread the word! Kefir! Whoo!

Having said that, you could use buttermilk in place of kefir… I won’t judge.

2 cups homemade kefir
1 cup organic coconut flour
4 eggs
1 cup raw cacoa powder
50g dark chocolate chopped
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup stevia

Preheat oven 180 degrees. Mix all ingredients together except chocolate. Stir through chocolate and bake for 40-50 minutes until its just cooked.


Spread with coconut sweet spread for extra deviousness… (See previous post)



Kefir grains… My new probiotic pets.

When I was first given these strange little creatures a couple of years ago (thanks Raul!) I have to admit I failed miserably as a responsible kefir carer.

The thought of allowing milk to sit at room temperature and host a community of proliferating cultures I knew nothing about did not sit well with me… And I also neglected them, leaving them to starve while I was away on holidays in NZ.

Round 2. After finally understanding why fermented foods are so important I was given another chance to be the proud parent of new kefir babies (thanks again Raul!!) and I’m proud to say they are thriving, I feel fantastic and they are slowly making their way into the homes of my colleagues and friends … It’s a kefir revolution!

So why is kefir so good for you?

Kefir has more strains of beneficial bacteria and good yeasts – over 50 whereas yogurt only has 7 to 10.
It is a rich source of many different vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that promote healing and repair, as well as general health maintenance.

Even lactose-intolerant individuals can get into kefir, because the “good” bacteria have digested the lactose in the milk. For example, the actual lactose left in kefir is 1% or less. So, kefir is 99% lactose free.

Kefir grains are healthiest in raw cows milk, providing probiotics in itself, however mine are thriving in coconut milk and I think it works beautifully, transforming the milk into a rich yogurt I can use in smoothies or eat straight up.

Once you get over the idea of live bacterial communities devouring milk in your pantry while you sleep… Maintaining kefir is a fascinating and rewarding ritual that will really change how you feel.

Read more about how it promotes positive gut health here:


To make kefir:

Place kefir grains in milk (ratio about 20:1 milk:kefir)

Leave for 24-48 hours in a dark place at room temp.

Strain and keep in fridge (will last a long time, just add new kefir to this) and place kefir grains in new clean jar with fresh milk – that’s it!

Don’t use anything metal when handling your kefir – they don’t enjoy it.



(Tara’s Debut Kefir Berry Smoothie)

Activated buckwheat granola

After purchasing a box of these in a nutrition focused frenzy at our local organics merchant last weekend – and devouring them within days of opening… I realised I will either need to get a second job to support our new household addiction or learn how to make them myself.


I went with option #2.

Activated buckwheat is not only seriously delicious when dried and mixed with cacao and coconut, it is seriously good for you – a far cry from the sugar laden granola’s and “coco” crap-filled cereals on the supermarket shelves.

Buckwheat contains eight of our nine essential amino acids, contains high amounts of manganese, magnesium and fibre, is great for blood sugar control, which is important when carbohydrate consumption is concerned and also contains quercitin and rutin – flavonoids that support healing, circulation, exercise recovery and chronic disease management.

See more at:

While this recipe does take a little time to prepare, it is worth it in my opinion as it makes a tonne, is so affordable and you’ll have a healthy breakfast (and anytime chocolate craving) sorted for a couple of weeks.


3 cups raw buckwheat

1 cup coconut oil

1 cup cacao

2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup honey or maple syrup

1/3 cup coconut sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/3 cup chia seeds

1/2 cup goji berries

1/3 cup sesame seeds

1 cup shredded coconut


Optional but extra healthy:

1/3 cup sunflower seeds

1/3 cup pepitas

1 cup crushed walnuts

1/2 cup chopped figs


Cover the buckwheat in a large pot or bowl with filtered water and leave for a few hours or overnight. Drain and leave to sit in colander or sieve for 1-2 days (or until you start to see the seeds starting to sprout – mine took only 1.5 days), rinsing morning and night or every few hours.

Place rinsed and sprouting buckwheat in a large bowl. Heat coconut oil, cacao, coconut sugar, cinnamon, honey/maple syrup and vanilla in a pan until melted and combined well. Pour into buckwheat and add coconut, sesame and chia seeds and goji berries. Combine well (add a little more coconut oil if it’s too dry).

Place in 2 large oven trays and bake on low temperature (90 degrees) about 8 hours or overnight. Turn every now and then. If the buckwheat is still soft, continue baking until it is dried and crunchy. OR if you prefer it softer… whatever, it’s your life.

Add extras and enjoy the goodness 🙂






Feta & Beetroot Fritters

Some beautiful organic beetroot lying in the bottom of my fridge were begging to be used in these fritters.

Beetroot can definitely hold their own in the vegetable world when it comes to nutrition and are so versatile raw or cooked. Beetroots are also used medicinally for problems associated with the liver as they help to stimulate the liver’s detoxification processes.

And that colour isn’t just for show! The pigment that gives beetroot its rich, purple-crimson colour is betacyanin; a powerful agent, thought to suppress the development of some types of cancer.

2 beetroots (grated)
1/2 cup amaranth
100g chopped organic feta
1 1/2 cups diced pumpkin
1 tablespoon Moroccan spices
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 eggs
Handful fresh oregano
2 tablespoon coconut oil to fry
1/4 lemon

Heat oven to 200 degrees and toss pumpkin in Moroccan spices and coconut oil. Roast in oven 20 minutes or until soft.
Meanwhile grate beetroot and squeeze out excess liquid (you could save this liquid and make a smoothie). Mix in a bowl with flour, amaranth, eggs, feta, oregano, salt and pepper. Add cooked pumpkin and combine. Form small patties and refrigerate (if you have time) for 30 minutes.


Heat extra oil in non stick pan over medium high heat and fry fritters 3 minutes each side. Place on paper towel whilst you cook next batch.

Serve with lemon and whatever other condiments take your fancy.


Sesame & fig balls

Bringing “my balls” to work always ends in hilarious innuendos, I’m glad these little health bombs are making the people laugh… That’s what it’s all about.

Try my balls (what?) for a healthy snack, their easy and an excellent hit of zinc, calcium and good fats.

1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup organic crunchy peanut butter
1 cup dried figs
3/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup goji berries
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup walnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup coconut
1/2 cup chia seeds

All ingredients (except chia) in food processor until rollable. Roll in chia.

